May 23rd and 24th, 2024

Welcome to the 8th International Congress of Animal Nutrition and welcome to the Region of Murcia.

Companies in the sector come together at this congress to share ideas, experiences, and joint solutions, creating a common front in the face of the challenges that concern us. 

This Congress, under the label ‘New Horizons for Animal Feed’, is a call to action, an invitation to join forces and build a greener, fairer, and more prosperous future for all. Innovation is and will be the essential tool to achieve our objectives. Research and development of new technologies and sustainable solutions are key to ensure a prosperous future for the sector. 

The programme

The VIII International Congress of Animal Nutrition has prepared for our attendees a special programme with 3 thematic blocks and more than 26 speakers who will address the main topics of interest to the sector and the attending public.

The Congress Centre

The Auditorium and Congress Centre “Víctor Villegas” is located a few minutes from the city centre of Murcia. It is made up of two buildings separated by a few metres and will be our venue during the congress.


Auditorio Murcia


During the days of the congress, you will be able to stay in the best hotels in the city of Murcia.

We have arranged with some of the main hotels a special discount for the congress attendees. In the following link you will find all the necessary information.

With the arrival of the good weather and, especially, during the month of May, the hotels in the city of Murcia show a high occupancy. We recommend you make your reservation as soon as possible.



How to get to Murcia

The city of Murcia is located in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula. . It is the capital of the Autonomous Community of the same name which, with a surface area of 11,317 square kilometres, is the largest of the single-province autonomous communities in Spain, and is also one of the seven most populated cities in the country.

Consult our guide to find out which is the best option for you.



With the support




